Single But Not Alone

It can be tough for people who are single. Anybody wanna say, “Amen”?

The typical church congregation and its ministries are generally built around married families with children. This structure is great until that doesn’t fit you.

person on a bridge near a lake
Photo by Simon Migaj on

Then, if a church does have a singles ministry, it can still be an awkward place of ministry. Where do singles fit in?

Through our studies of the Great Heroes of the Faith, one striking characteristic stuck out: Almost all of them were single!

Jeremiah was told by God that he could never marry.

Ezekiel was married, but when his wife died while in captivity, he wasn’t allowed to mourn for her. He found himself single again.

It isn’t explicitly recorded whether Daniel was married or not. Maybe since he was a high ranking advisor in the King’s court, he wasn’t allowed to marry. So, it’s a good chance he wasn’t married.

Looking at our 20th Century Heroes:

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was never married although he fell in love and was engaged shortly before being taken captive into prison.

Corrie ten Boom was never married.

Richard Wumbrand was the only Hero we’ve studied that was married through his persecution and the rest of his ministry.

In our current culture where most ministries focus on married and family life, it can get discouraging to figure out where single people belong. I can’t say that I understand this from my own experience, but I can imagine how frustrating it can be.

It’s a powerful statement, however, to look at how God used these amazing men and women who were single to accomplish such significant acts in history. One of the reasons He was able to use them so powerfully was because of their singleness.

Paul, who was single himself, described in 1 Corinthians how it is ultimately better to remain unmarried than to marry. When someone is single, they can focus their full attention on doing God’s work.

“He who is unmarried cares for the things of the Lord—how he may please the Lord” 1Cor. 7:32

Paul really emphasized that it’s easier to stay focused on God’s work when you are single because your attention is divided when you are married.

silhouette image of person praying
Photo by Rodolfo Clix on

Peter Scazzero described the difference between the ministry of marriage and the ministry of singleness like this:

“Married couples bear witness to the depth of Christ’s love. Their vows focus and limit them to loving one person exclusively, permanently, and intimately. Singles — vowed or dedicated — bear witness to the breadth of Christ’s love. Because they are not limited by a vow to one person, they have more freedom and time to express the love of Christ to a broad range of people. Both marrieds and singles point to and reveal Christ’s love, but in different ways. Both need to learn from one another about these different aspects of Christ’s love. This”
― Peter Scazzero, The Emotionally Healthy Leader: How Transforming Your Inner Life Will Deeply Transform Your Church, Team, and the World

Being single is a valid and powerful way of expressing God’s Love through you to the world around you. God can use you in ways that He can’t with people who are married.


Whether you are single or single again, I pray you are encouraged by these Heroes of the Faith who were single and know that God has a unique calling for you as well.

If you want more encouragement about being single, check out these resources from Peter Scazzero here. 



Friday Finds

I’ve shared several great resources for marriages. If you didn’t check them out, you should. Really. If I share it with you, I’m pretty much saying….”this is awesome”!

However, I realize there is SO MUCH emphasis on marriage and relationships that often those who find themselves single are left waffling in the wake of Cupid’s arrow among all the flowers and cards and chocolate.

If you find yourself in this position, then today’s Friday Find is for you!

Here is a really good article by Propel: Surviving the Relationship Status is a great article reflecting about the single life.

Haven’t heard of Propel?’ve got to check it out!

Propel was started by Christine Caine and is geared towards women in leadership especially in business with professional careers. They send out great videos and articles to encourage women to utilize their gifts and callings to be Christ in the community.

Several articles like this one address issues specifically geared towards women who are single which is often hard to find when so many other resources are focused on marriage and family.

Hope you enjoy it. If you like it, let me know and share it with someone else!
